
Within this function more or less everything happens - from retrieving eBay-data to generation of the track.

queryfunc = { |who, recipient, loops, endfunc, restart|
    var temp, buflength;
    // hand-picked harmonics - a selections of harmonics out of a tonality-diamond (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonality_diamond)
    harms = [[1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 4/3, 3/2, 1/1, 5/3, 2/1, 8/3, 3/1, 10/3, 4/1, 5/1, 16/3, 6/1], [8/15, 2/3, 4/5, 8/9, 16/15, 6/5, 4/3, 8/5, 16/15, 32/15, 4/3, 16/9, 12/5, 8/3, 64/15, 32/9, 24/5, 16/3, 32/5, 64/9], [4/7, 5/7, 9/16, 15/16, 11/13, 15/13, 16/11, 8/7, 10/7, 9/8, 22/13, 16/17, 9/4,  20/7, 44/13, 15/4, 60/13, 32/7, 64/11, 9/2, 15/2], [8/13, 11/12, 12/13, 13/14, 14/13, 16/13, 14/9, 16/13, 11/6, 24/13, 13/7, 28/13, 28/9, 32/13, 11/3, 48/13, 26/7, 56/13, 56/9, 64/13], [8/11, 10/11, 12/11, 14/11, 11/9, 11/15, 16/11, 20/11, 22/15, 22/9, 24/11, 28/11, 32/11, 40/11, 44/15, 44/9, 48/11, 56/11, 64/11], [3/5, 3/4, 8/9, 7/8, 16/15, 16/9, 4/3, 6/5, 3/2, 8/3, 32/15, 32/9, 12/5, 3/1, 64/15, 16/3, 64/9], [9/14, 11/12, 12/11, 8/5, 4/5, 13/16, 9/7, 11/6, 24/11, 13/8, 16/5, 18/7, 11/3, 13/4, 48/11, 32/5], [9/13, 12/13, 15/13, 7/5, 15/16, 4/7, 8/7, 18/13, 24/13, 14/5, 30/13, 15/4, 16/7, 36/13, 48/13, 28/5, 15/2, 60/13], [9/11, 12/11, 15/11, 11/9, 8/15, 11/16, 13/16, 16/15, 11/8, 13/8, 32/15, 18/11, 24/11, 30/11, 11/4, 13/4, 64/15, 36/11, 48/11, 60/11], [5/6, 7/5, 15/6, 5/8, 10/9, 5/3, 5/4, 15/8, 20/9, 14/5, 10/3, 15/4, 5/2, 28/5, 40/9, 5/1, 15/2], [5/8, 11/14, 13/11, 5/4, 5/3, 14/9, 10/9, 11/7, 26/11, 5/2, 28/9, 10/3, 22/7, 52/11, 5/1, 56/9, 20/3]]; 
    // remove last generated Score
    temp = "~/Music/SuperCollider/ebay_generator/temp/score.txt".standardizePath;    ("rm "++temp).unixCmd;
//    part 1: reading in values from ebay.com, sampling comments;///
    "request is not nil".postln;
    date = Date.getDate;
    ~gmt = Date.getDate.gmtime;
    ~dif = date.hourStamp.asInteger-~gmt.hourStamp.asInteger;    
    ~date = ""++date.year++"-"++date.month++"-"++date.day+date.hourStamp;
    ~timestamp = date.stamp;
    who = who.asString;
    [who, who.class].postln;
    a = Ebay.read(who, "http://sound-of-ebay.com/your-data-processor.php");
    if(a['feedbacks'][0]['feedback'].asString.size > 0, { // do we have at least 1 comment?
        ~restart = false; // ok, we don't want to restart now ...
        ~userSign = Array();
        who.hash.abs.asString.do({ |i| 
            ~userSign = ~userSign.add(i.digit**3) 
        ~ratings = List();
        ~u_fbs = List();
        if(Speech.initialized.not, { Speech.init(16) }); // we have to initialise Apple-Speech. Fortunately we don't need more than 16 channels 
        if(~buffer.isNil, { ~buffer = Buffer.alloc(s, 65536, 1) }, { ~buffer.updateInfo; ~buffer.free; ~buffer = Buffer.alloc(s, 65536, 1) }); // buffer-allocation for the comments which will be read by Apple-Speech and sampled for later use. Important!! The speech-voices are provided by the operating system, not SuperCollider, so we have to use Jackd to route them from the OS to SC -> route SuperCollider out 1+2 to SuperCollider in 1+2 - strange, but that's how it works. Jackd has to be running before SC is started. Routing can be done in JackPilot or QJackCtl after the SC-server has been started!
        ~doers = Array();
        ~doersnames = Array();
        ~comments = Array();
        i = 0;
        l = 0;
        block { |break| // even if we have some comments it may happen, that none of them contains any 7 bit ascii signs. For convenience we test up to 499 comments - if no valid comment is detected break out of the loop and notify the requestant  
            while({i < loops and:{l < 500}}, {
                j = (a['feedbacks'].size).rand;
                comment = a['feedbacks'][j]['comment'].asString;
                temp = a['feedbacks'][j]['user_name'].asString;
                if("[a-z]|&|%".matchRegexp(comment) == true, { // we need 7 bit ascii only - other characters can't be interpreted by Apple Speech
                    ~comments = ~comments.add(a['feedbacks'][j]['comment']);
                    ~doers = ~doers.add(j);
                    ~doersnames = ~doersnames.add(temp);
                    i = i+1;
                if(l > 499, {
                        ("curl -d \"error=noascii\" -d \"uid="++who++"\" -d \"recipient="++recipient.asString++"\" http://sound-of-ebay.com/your-notifier-script.php").unixCmd;
                        "keine verwertbaren kommentare gefunden".postln;
                        request = nil;
                        ~restart = true;
                        neu = true; 
                        restart.play(AppClock, true); // we have no valid comments. So we procede to the next request resp. restart the query-process
                }, {
                    l = l+1;
        ~doershashes = Array();
        ~begin = Main.elapsedTime;
        // we don't only consider the current request resp. its comments and users. We write add any new request to the history and with each new request we also consider all previous requests for the next generation
        if(File.exists("~/Music/SuperCollider/ebay_generator/hashesdb.txt".standardizePath), { // if no history exists we initialize a new one
            f = File("~/Music/SuperCollider/ebay_generator/hashesdb.txt".standardizePath, "r");
            history = f.readAllString;
            history = history.interpret;
            ("old history:"+history).postln;
        }, {
            history = Dictionary();
        a['feedbacks'].pop; // delete the last, empty slot (as far as I can remember)
        a['feedbacks'].size.do({ |i|
            temp = a['feedbacks'][i]['user_name'].asSymbol;
            if(history.matchAt(temp).class == Integer, { // is the current user (comment-author) already contained in our history?
                history[temp] = history[temp] + 1; // increase the number of occurrencies by 1
                history.add(temp -> 1);    // add a new user to the history if (s)he doesn't already exist
            ~doershashes = ~doershashes.add(temp.hash.abs.asFloat); // in order to work with usernames (string) we convert them to a hashsum (integer values)
        if(history.matchAt(who.asSymbol).class == Integer, {
            ["found", history[who.asSymbol]].postln;
            history[who.asSymbol] = history[who.asSymbol] + 1;
            ~coin = 1/history[who.asSymbol];
            ["not found", history[who.asSymbol]].postln;
            history.add(who.asSymbol -> 1);
            ~coin = 1.0;
        ~singeroccurrences = Array();
        ~doersnames.do({ |i| // occurrences of a specific username in all generations - frequent usernames are weighed more important
            if(history.matchAt(i.asSymbol).class == Integer, {
                ~singeroccurrences = ~singeroccurrences.add(history[i.asSymbol] + 1);
            }, {
                ~singeroccurrences = ~singeroccurrences.add(1);
        ~numharms = Array();
        ~doersnames.do({ |i|
            ~numharms = ~numharms.add(
                Ebay.divFunc(i.hash.abs.sqrt.asInteger, nil, 75, 100, 2); // from each "doer" (16 randomly selected users who left a comment) we want an array with at least 2 values between 75 and 100 -> in this case divFunc divides a given integer form 75 to hundred. Whenever the result is a whole-numbered value it's added to the array (for convenience we operate on the squareroot of the username-hashsum because this process is extremely intensive on CPU). result-example: [[78, 87], [82, 95, 98], ... [79, 92, 99]]
        ~numharms = (~numharms / ~singeroccurrences).ceil.asInteger;
        ("new history:"+history).postln;
        ~whohash = who.hash.abs.asFloat;
        ~doershash = (~doershashes.sum/~doershashes.size).asInteger;
        ~doersnames.do({ |i|
            temp = (i.hash.abs*~doershash).postln;
            ~teethlevels = ~teethlevels.add(Ebay.divFunc(temp.abs.sqrt.asInteger, nil, 15, 20, 4));
            ~phases = ~phases.add(Ebay.divFunc(temp.abs.sqrt.asInteger, nil, 1, 4, 4) - 1 / 10 * pi);
            ~spectimes = ~spectimes.add(Ebay.divFunc(temp.abs.sqrt.asInteger, nil, 1, 6, 1)/2);
        d = history.getPairs.clump(2); // history is a Dictionary - an array of key-value pairs. You cannot rely on the order in a Dictionary, so we convert it into an ordinary 2-dimensional array.
        temp = Array();
        c = 0;
        d.do({ |i|
            temp = temp.add(i[0].hash.abs.asFloat * i[1]);
            c = c+i[1];
        ~historyhash = (temp.sum.asFloat/c).asInteger;
        ~historySign = Array();
        ~historyhash.asString.do({ |i|
            ~historySign = ~historySign.add(i.digit.cubed);
        temp = (Ebay.lcmFunc(~historySign).sum/Ebay.lcmFunc(~historySign).size).asInteger;
        temp = Ebay.divFunc(temp, nil, 7, 16, 4);
        temp = Ebay.harmSeries(temp); // create the harmonic scales out of the given 
        ~historyScales = Ebay.harmScales(temp, harms);
        ~blipFreqs = Array();        
        ~doersnames.do({ |i|
            ~blipFreqs = ~blipFreqs.add(Ebay.divFunc(i.hash.abs.sqrt.asInteger, nil, 33, 81, 2));
        f = File("~/Music/SuperCollider/ebay_generator/hashesdb.txt".standardizePath, "w");
        ~end = Main.elapsedTime;
        ("berechnung der history in"+(~end-~begin)+"sekunden ("++history.size+"user)").postln;
        ~elapsed = Array(loops);
        voices = [6,20,21,22];
            end = Main.elapsedTime;
            if(count.notNil and:{ count == (loops-1) }, { ~buffer.updateInfo; ~buffer.free });
            if(count.isNil, { count = 1 },{ count = count+1});
            if(count < loops, {
                ~buffer.write("~/Music/SuperCollider/ebay_generator/temp/".standardizePath++"comment"++count++".aif", "aiff", "int16", 0, 0, true);
                ~record = Synth(\sampleIn1, [\bufnum, ~buffer]).postln;
                voice = voices.choose;
                ~voiceVols = ~voiceVols.add(voice);
                Speech.setSpeechVoice(count, voice);
                if(voice == 22, { 
                }, {
                if(a['feedbacks'][~doers[count]]['feedback'] == 'Pos', { ~ratings.add(1) });
                if(a['feedbacks'][~doers[count]]['feedback'] == 'Neu', { ~ratings.add(0) });
                if(a['feedbacks'][~doers[count]]['feedback'] == 'Neg', { ~ratings.add(-1) });
                dur = end-start;
            }, {
                dur = end-start;
                ~durations = Array(~elapsed.size);
                ~elapsed.do({ |i, j| 
                    var temp; 
                    ~elapsed[j+1].notNil.if{temp = (i-~elapsed[j+1]).abs;                      ~durations.add(temp)}
                itemSign = List();
                ~durDict = Dictionary();
                ~doers.do({ |i, j| 
                    var temp, sign;
                    sign = String();
                    temp = a['feedbacks'][~doers[j]]['item'].asString;
                    temp.do{ |i| i.isDecDigit.if{ sign = sign ++ i}};
                    tempList = List();
                    itemSign.collect({ |i| tempList.add(i.asList) });
                    ~sums = Array(tempList.size);
                    tempList.do({ |i| 
                        var temp = 0;
                        i.size.do({ |j| temp = temp + i[j].ascii.asInteger });
                ~average = ~sums.sum/~sums.size;
                temp = Ebay.lcmFunc(~userSign);
                ~user = temp.sum/temp.size;
                temp = (~user*100).asInteger;
                ~steps1 = Ebay.divFunc(temp, nil, 7, 16, 4);
                ~durarr = Ebay.gcdFunc(~durations);
                ~harms = Ebay.harmSeries(~steps1.sort);
                ~harmScales = Ebay.harmScales(~harms, harms);
                ~activity = a['feedbacks'].size.asInteger;
                lyrics = File("~/Music/SuperCollider/ebay_generator/recordings/".standardizePath++~timestamp++"_"++who++".txt", "w");
                temp = who++"\n"++a['feedbacks'].size.asString++"\n"++a['positive_feedback']++"\n";
                ~doers.do({ |num|
                    temp = a['feedbacks'][num]['date'].asString++":::"++a['feedbacks'][num]['item'].asString++":::"++a['feedbacks'][num]['comment'].asString++"\n";
                starter = true;
                count = nil;
    //            part 2: songgeneration    
                t = TempoClock.default;
                o = ServerOptions.new.numOutputBusChannels_(2);
                ~b = Array(loops);
                loops.do({ |i|
                    s.sendMsg(\b_allocRead, temp = s.bufferAllocator.alloc(1), ("~/Music/SuperCollider/ebay_generator/temp/comment"++i++".aif").standardizePath);
                s.sendMsg(\b_alloc, ~delbuf = s.bufferAllocator.alloc(1), 44100);
                s.sendMsg(\b_alloc, ~vocBufA = s.bufferAllocator.alloc(1), 1024);
                s.sendMsg(\b_alloc, ~vocBufB = s.bufferAllocator.alloc(1), 1024);
                s.sendMsg(\b_alloc, ~freezeBuf = s.bufferAllocator.alloc(1), 1024);
                s.sendMsg(\b_alloc, ~specbuf = s.bufferAllocator.alloc(1), 1024);
                s.sendMsg(\b_alloc, ~vocDelBuf = s.bufferAllocator.alloc(1), 44100);
                s.sendMsg(\b_alloc, ~vocPingPongDel = s.bufferAllocator.alloc(1), 44100 * 2, 2);
                buflength = Array();
                loops.do({ |i|
                    temp = SoundFile.openRead(("~/Music/SuperCollider/ebay_generator/temp/comment"++i++".aif").standardizePath);
                    if(7.div(temp.duration) > 0, {
                        buflength = buflength.add(temp.duration * 7.div(temp.duration));
                    }, {
                        buflength = buflength.add(temp.duration);
                ~durabs = [5];    
                ~durations[0..(~durations.size-2)].do({ |i, j| i.postln; ~durabs = ~durabs.add((~durabs[j]+i.ceil+5).asInteger) });
                ~startpos = Array();
                ~durations.do({ |i|
                    temp = Array();
                    (i.div(1/8)).do({ |j|
                        temp = temp.add(1/8 * j);
                    temp = temp.normalizeSum;
                    ~startpos = ~startpos.add(temp.normalize(0, 1));
                ~songlength = (buflength.sum*2).asInteger + 13;
                ~historyScales.takeThese({ |i| i.isEmpty });
                ~singerTones = Array();
                ~historyScales.do({ |i|
                    ~singerTones = ~singerTones.add(Pshuf(i, inf));
                ~psychoDurs = Array();
                ~psychoFreqs = Array();
                ~psychoAmps = Array();
                ~historyScales.do({ |i|
                    temp = Array();
                    i.size.do({ |k|
                        temp = temp.add(~coin.coin);
                    ~psychoDurs = ~psychoDurs.add(
                            i.size, { |j| if(temp[j], { 
                                1/i.size * i[j]
                            }, { 
                        }), 1);
                    tempList = Array.fill(
                        i.size, { |j| if(temp[j], {
                            // max possible in harms as division -> value should never be less then 0
                            1/i.size / i[j].squared / 4 * (0.18.reciprocal)
                        }, {
                    tempList = tempList.normalize(tempList.minItem, 1) * 0.45;
                    ~psychoAmps = ~psychoAmps.add(
                        Pseq(tempList, 1);
                ~historyScales.do({ |i, j|
                    ~psychoFreqs = ~psychoFreqs.add(
                        Prand([Pxrand(i, 1), Pseq(i, 1), Pshuf(i, 1)], inf);
                ~singers = Array.newClear(~songlength);
                ~blipPats = Array.newClear(~songlength);
                ~psyCount = 0;
                ~delCount = 0;
                k = 0;
                ~songlength.do({ |i|
                        if(k < loops, { temp = k }, { temp = loops-1 });
                        i, Pn(
                                    \instrument, \blipBase,
                                    \freq, ~psychoFreqs[~psyCount],
                                    \a, ~blipFreqs[temp][0],
                                    \b, ~blipFreqs[temp][1],
                                    \length, Pseq(~psychoDurs, 1),
                                    \dur, Pwrand([
                                        Pseq([1/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8], 1),
                                        Prand([1/4, 1/2, 1/8, 1/8], 1)
                                    ], [5, 1, 1].normalizeSum, 1),
                                    \amp, Pn(Pseq(~psychoAmps, inf), 1),
                                    \n1, ~numharms[temp][0], 
                                    \n2, ~numharms[temp][1] 
                            ], 1),
                    if(k >= (~psychoFreqs.size-1), { ~psyCount = 0 }, { ~psyCount = ~psyCount + 1 });
                    if(~durabs.includes(i) and:{k < loops} ,{
                            i, Pbus(
                                        instrument: \sampleOutMono,
                                        bufnum: ~b[k],
                                        startpos: 0,
                                        duration: Pn(buflength[k], 1),
                                        dur: buflength[k],
                                        amp: 0.5,
                                        addAction: 0,
                                    Pmono(\vocodeIt, *[ 
                                        bufnumA: ~vocBufA, 
                                        bufnumB: ~vocBufB,
                                        note: ~singerTones.choose, 
                                        dur: 0.25,
                                        addAction: 1,
                                    Pmono(\pingPong, *[
                                        bufnum: ~vocPingPongDel,
                                        xout: Pfunc({ 1.0.rand }),
                                        dur: 1,
                                        addAction: 1,
                                    Pmono(\specReduktor, *[
                                        bufnum: ~specbuf,
                                        numTeeth: Pxrand(~teethlevels[k], inf),
                                        phase: Pxrand(~phases[k], inf),
                                        dur: Prand(~spectimes[k], inf),
                                        amp: 1.0,
                                        addAction: 1,
                        k = k+1;
                    }, {
                            i, Pbind(
                                \freq, Pn(\rest, 1)
                p = Pn(Pseq([
                            Pn(Pseq(~singers, 1), 1),
                                \instrument, \bd,
                                \dur, Pseq(([0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.1, 0.5].normalizeSum*2), inf),
                                \decay, 0.4,
                                \amp, 0.5
                                \instrument, \sd,
                                \dur, Pwrand([Pseq([1.0, 1.0], 1), Pseq([5/9, 1/9, 1/9, 1/3, 8/9], 1),Pseq([5/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/4, 7/8], 1)], [14, 1, 1].normalizeSum, inf),
                                \amp, 0.3
                                \instrument, \hat,
                                \dur, Pseq([1/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8], inf),
                                \ts, Pshuf([5, 10, 5, 7, 5], inf),
                                \amp, 0.3
                            Pseq(~blipPats, inf)
                                \instrument, \bd,
                                \dur, Pseq(([0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.1, 0.5].normalizeSum*2), inf),
                                \amp, 0.1,
                                \decay, 0.4,
                                \amp, 0.5
                                \instrument, \sd,
                                \dur, Pwrand([Pseq([1.0, 1.0], 1), Pseq([5/9, 1/9, 1/9, 1/3, 8/9], 1),Pseq([5/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/4, 7/8], 1)], [14, 1, 1].normalizeSum, inf),
                                \amp, 0.3
                                \instrument, \hat,
                                \dur, Pseq([1/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8], 10),
                                \ts, Pshuf([5, 10, 5, 7, 5], inf),
                                \amp, 0.3
                            Pseq(~blipPats, inf)
                        ]), 10
                ], 1), 1).asScore(~songlength, timeOffset:0.05);
                ~b.do({ |i|
                    s.sendMsg(\b_free, i)
                s.sendMsg(\b_free, ~delbuf);
                s.sendMsg(\b_free, ~vocBufA);
                s.sendMsg(\b_free, ~vocBufB);
                s.sendMsg(\b_free, ~vocDelBuf);
                s.sendMsg(\b_free, ~freezeBuf);
                s.sendMsg(\b_free, ~specbuf);
                s.sendMsg(\b_free, ~vocPingPongDel);
                loops.do({ |i|
                    p.add([0.0, [\b_allocRead, ~b[i], ("~/Music/SuperCollider/ebay_generator/temp/comment"++i++".aif").standardizePath]]);
                p.add([0.0, [\b_alloc, ~delbuf, 44100]]);
                p.add([0.0, [\b_alloc, ~vocBufA, 1024]]);
                p.add([0.0, [\b_alloc, ~vocBufB, 1024]]);
                p.add([0.0, [\b_alloc, ~vocDelBuf, 44100]]);
                p.add([0.0, [\b_alloc, ~specbuf, 2048]]);
                p.add([0.0, [\b_alloc, ~vocPingPongDel, 44100 * 2, 2]]);
                f = File("~/Music/SuperCollider/ebay_generator/temp/score.txt".standardizePath, "r");
                g = f.readAllString;
                g = g.reject({ |char| "[]\',\\\"".indexOf(char).notNil });
                ~sampleOuts = g.split($\n);
                ~sampleOuts.takeThese({ |i| i.contains("sampleOutMono").not });
                ~sampleOuts = ~sampleOuts.reverse;
                temp = String();
                ~sampleOuts.do({ |i|
                    temptemp = i.asString.split($ );
                    temp = temp ++ temptemp[1].asString ++"\n";
                end = Main.elapsedTime;
                start = Main.elapsedTime;
                g = g.split($\n);
                g = g.reject({ |string| "Users".matchRegexp(string) });
                g = g.join($\n);
                end = Main.elapsedTime;
                ("Score String berechnet in:"+(end-start)+"Sekunden").postln;
                g = temp++g;
                f = File(("~/Music/SuperCollider/ebay_generator/recordings/"++~timestamp++"_"++who++"_score.txt").standardizePath, "w");
                if(~dif.abs < 10, { temp = "0"++~dif.abs.asString });
                if(~dif.isNegative, { temp = "-"++temp }, { temp = "+"++temp });
                ~author = recipient.asString.split($@);
                ~description = "Generated by the eBay-Generator on "++date+"GMT"++
                ~comments.do({ |i|
                    ~description = ~description ++ i ++ "\n";
                p.recordNRTThen("/tmp/trashme", "~/Music/SuperCollider/ebay_generator/recordings/".standardizePath++~timestamp++"_"++who++".aif", options:o, completionString: "; rm /tmp/trashme", action:{ endfunc.value(~timestamp, who, recipient, base, ~description, ~author[0]++"@sound-of-ebay.com", EbayHelpers.duration("~/Music/SuperCollider/ebay_generator/recordings/".standardizePath++~timestamp++"_"++who++".aif"), ~date, ""++~timestamp++"_"++who)});
        start = Main.elapsedTime;
        if(a['feedbacks'][~doers[0]]['feedback'].notNil, {
            ~buffer.write("~/Music/SuperCollider/ebay_generator/temp/".standardizePath++"comment0.aif", "aiff", "int16", 0, 0, leaveOpen:true);
            ~record = Synth(\sampleIn1, [\bufnum, ~buffer]);
            voice = voices.choose;
            ~voiceVols = Array();
            ~voiceVols = ~voiceVols.add(voice);
            Speech.setSpeechVoice(0, voice);
            if(voice == 22, {
            }, {
            if(a['feedbacks'][~doers[0]]['feedback'] == 'Pos', { ~ratings.add(1) });
            if(a['feedbacks'][~doers[0]]['feedback'] == 'Neu', { ~ratings.add(0) });
            if(a['feedbacks'][~doers[0]]['feedback'] == 'Neg', { ~ratings.add(-1) });
    }, {
        ~restart = true;
        request = nil;
        ("curl -d \"error=nouser\" -d \"uid="++who++"\" -d \"recipient="++recipient.asString++"\" http://sound-of-ebay.com/your-notifier-script.php").unixCmd;
        "user nicht vorhanden".postln;
        neu = true;
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